The Allies were closing in and by the time they reached the Pz.Kpfw. SAMs are available to specialised anti-air vehicles such as the 2S6 Tunguska or the ADATS, which, notably, has multi-purpose missiles that are also effective against armoured vehicles. The maximum 360 degrees turret traverse time via hydraulic power was 30 seconds. Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus (Mouse), the heaviest fully enclosed armoured vehicle ever built. Many chemical shells utilise extremely sensitive fuses and will detonate upon touching anything, while almost none of them can be fired through solid obstacles. HE-TF rounds are available to a number of vehicles originally designed for anti-air purposes, such as the YaG-10 (29-K) and the 8,8 cm Flak 37 Sfl.. It's pretty much a new tank, with better armor than the . Like so many others, the tank was simply too big, making fast maneuvers difficult and becoming an easy target for . Front and side shot of the Pz.Kpfw. Jentz, T.L. Tank ammunition. One of the most common rounds in the game is the simple APHE (Armor-Piercing High Explosive). To dampen shocks from the movement of the vehicle, a ring spring was installed. It is also important to note that the designation Panzerkampfwagen V Panther did not receive an Ausfhrung letter modifier, however Panzerkampfwagen Panther did. Canister rounds are developed for the use against infantry. The mechanism consisted of a screw and nut which were connected by universal joints from the turret turntable to one end and the other end of the gun cradle. The first Versuchs-Schmalturm, completed by August 20, 1944. Without solid documentary evidence, this information should be used cautiously. Kinetic rounds penetrate and deal damage based on a number of factors; shell type, projectile mass, round velocity and material hardness. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); F. Panther II had thicker armor. - Rohit Raj, Patna. Source: Panzer Tracts. 1st ed. On the rear turret plate, a pistol port was created in order to defend against enemy soldiers from climbing over the rear of the vehicle. High-Explosive rounds are a simple shell packed full of a high-explosive material, primarily designed for anti-infantry and anti-emplacement applications. The output is the length of the real name, the username, and the real name. Official channel. #9. Panther Ausf.F tanks cast cupola was lower in height and, as a result, presented a smaller target. Panther Ausf.F at The Tank Museum. Your email address will not be published. Your email address will not be published. High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) rounds make use of shaped charges to penetrate armour, forcing superplastic metal through into the crew compartment, damaging crew and modules. There are of course countless subtypes and modifications, but going too much into detail would take too long. Top: general view of the S.Z.F.1 motor generator (left) and control box (right). Kanonenjagdpanzer 1-3 (Kanonenjagdpanzer HS 30), Few unfinished hulls and turrets. HEATFS rounds become available to many nations from Rank V, although notably the British do not receive HEATFS at any stage due to its incompatibility with rifled cannons. The E.M.1.32 m stereoscopic rangefinder was under development by Zeiss of Jena, Germany. Brinell scale is a standardized method of characterizing the hardness of a certain material. (6.6 kg). Search longest shell name and check where the nearest petrol station is. Essentially, it was a Kw.K.44/1 with a mechanical rapid reload device weighing 3400 kg with the gun. Ludwig Leitz claims that the sight was captured on the Eastern Front. Thanks! A Schmalturm, missing its gun, that was sent to the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in the United States. Vitaliy Ankov/RIA Novosti. 3. There were two types of methods the upper front plate and side plate interlocked with each other on the Pz.Kpfw. ATGMs are powerful and SACLOS guided missiles are easily aimed, however they travel slowly and well-aware targets may be able to move into cover prior to the ATGM reaching them. Ernst Haas from the Berlin firm was credited as the inventor and designer. The commander was located behind the gunner. The S.Z.F.1 periscopic sight consists of the periscope, control box, and motor-generator. What is the longest tank shell? APFSDS is quite ineffective against lightly-armoured vehicles and should be aimed at critical components to maximise their damage potential. Normal turret traverse and precise horizontal gun sight aiming were both done by the hydraulic motor. Several Schmalturm prototypes, dubbed Versuchs-Schmalturm (English: experimental narrow turret), are known to have been built for Wa Prf 6. They're flexible when it comes to water parameters and can fit in rather small aquariums (this species rarely grows larger than one inch in diameter). APCBC is a common shell for British, French and American mid-to-late WW2 vehicles. Panther Ausf.F is a fractured Schmalturm that was used as a range target at The Tank Museum, Bovington. The Rheinmetall-designed turret that the Panther was equipped with was considered to be an inefficient design with various flaws. Coupled with a ZF A.K.7/200 transmission (located at the front), the Pz.Kpfw. Panther Ausf.G, chassis number 120413 (according to a different source), which might suggest that the same chassis was used for both Versuchs-Schmalturm turrets. 1st ed. in May, and Nibelungenwerk in April. For example the full name of the current Abrams is. Panther Ausf.F chassis outfitted with a Pz.Kpfw. Ausf.F/G hybrid knocked out in Berlin. APC is commonly found as a mid-tier shell for both the British and French on their mid-to-late WW2 vehicles. Fig 3: The angled shell penetrates the armor. Trials showed a mean value of 10 rounds which each deviated 0.5 m from a target 1000 meters away, which corresponded with the angular value of 0.5 milliradians. And bureaucracy may happen everywhere in Germany: legislation (law names, example in the answers), management (position names, example in the answers), military, . Review: 2022 Mercedes-Benz C200 - Is the base baby S-Class good enough or . The past, the present, futuristic, historical, prototypes, all things inclusive. Chemical energy shells deal damage based on a chemical reaction, and unlike kinetic shells, their ability to penetrate and deal damage are unaffected by the shell's velocity. In War Thunder, AP rounds should be used as a general use anti-armour round, with careful round placement to maximise post-penetration damage. IChooseFeed 4 yr. ago. This often works in favor of the shell when a direct hit is achieved, in some cases allowing it to burn through modules such as frontally-mounted transmissions, dealing further damage to the vehicle's internals. Fig 2: The pointy end of the shell 'bites' into the armor, and the forward momentum of the shell combined with the angle of the armor plate slightly turns the shell away from the slope. The Rheinmetall-designed turret that the Panther was equipped with was considered to be an inefficient design with various flaws. Panther Ausf.F shows it with 100mm thick frontal armor, 50mm thick sides and rear, and 30mm thick turret roof. mounting the first Versuchs-Schmalturm. 1 Char 2C. Canister round is another type of tank ammunition which is used by the modern tanks. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Obviously modern day tanks' 120mm and 125mm gun combined with modern optical, modern firing control system will most likely one shot WWII tanks at 2~3km range. Initially, the monocular, articulated telescopic T.Z.F.13 was the intended gun sight for the Pz.Kpfw. Speculatively, it could be possible that the S.Z.F.1b was the variant with the pre-ignition device equipped which would allow it to fire on the move accurately while the S.Z.F.1 was the original precursor that did not have this ability. js.src = "//"; Different ammunition types have different strengths and weaknesses, and knowing when to use each kind will help a player get the most out of his or her gun. With these changes in mind, everything else was to be the same as the Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.As turret. According to the President of the Panzer Kommission Stiele von Heydekampf, they became interested in stabilizing both guns and gun sights after the discovery of the Medium Tank, M3s stabilizers during the North Africa Campaign. Take note that the turret lacks a periscopic gun sight, but has a hole for a telescopic gun sight perhaps suggesting that this Schmalturm is an early example. But unlike Pion, this system was charged with 152 mm rounds that could reach up to . The second, third, and fifth unfinished hulls are Pz.Kpfw. The photos of the only built Panther Ausf. The frontal turret armor had a thickness of 120mm set at an angle of 12 degrees, a thickness of 60mm at the sides and rear set at an angle of 25 degrees, and a thickness of 40mm set at an angle of 17 and 7 degrees on the turret roof. Source: Germanys Panther Tank: The Quest for Combat Supremacy. Even today's M-1 Abrams weighs in at sixty to seventy tons, far less than the Maus. Drawing of a production series Schmalturm for the Pz.Kpfw. Two more photographs showing the left side and rear of the Schmalturm that was sent to the U.K. Tandem charge ATGMs are available to high-rank Soviet or Russian ATGM carriers such as the Shturm-S and BMP-3. For example, the glacis has 100mm and the Ausf F has 80mm. Although the penetration values of this shell are low (when compared with the AP based ammo tanks should have anyways) the Shrapnel shots can be quite deadly. If the tank were to tilt to one side, the loader had an auxiliary turret traverse handwheel to help the gunner traverse the turret. The shells have a similar naming, for example the PzGr 39 and the PzGr 39/43, this shows that the later one (43 is the year it came to service) is a modifcation of the original 39 design. This same effect can prove troublesome when a round collides on a sub-par angle or after penetration there's simply nothing within its cone of effect. Panther & Its Variants. 95 lbs. A Befehlswagen Panther configuration could be easily achieved by personnel in the field. Both sights were known to have been built. ASTAMIDS - Airborne Standoff Minefield Detection System. Panther F/G hybrid M.A.N. US rounds usually have explosive filler, acting like an APHEBC shell, while British and French rounds don't. Ten trial series S.Z.F.1s were ordered from Leitz in 1944 which seemed to have resulted in the production of five examples from September to December, 1944. For communication between vehicles, the Fu 2 and Fu 5 intercoms were used. The fuse only activates if the shell collides with a surface of reasonable thickness, mostly dictated by shell calibre - though there are exceptions with a slower or faster fuse. All 82 rounds were stored in the hull, likely in the same fashion as the Pz.Kpfw. A Tiger II and Tiger can be seen in the background. Answer (1 of 5): well better sit down for this it will be a long one. It can be used like an APHE round. HE Grenades are found on various vehicles, such as the BMP-1. Adcomsubordcomphibspac is the longest English acronym. As time progressed, technology improved and rounds also improved in terms of lethality, accuracy and ballistic performance. This hybrid is the same as the one in Berlin due to the mud guards being bent the same way. Panther Ausf.F/G hybrid at an unidentified tank dump after being knocked out in the streets of Berlin. Panther Ausf.G. Panther Ausf.G chassis number 120413, which was built by M.A.N. One of the defining features of the Pz.Kpfw. Here are a few pretty pieces to help you channel sunny days ahead. Due to the extremely high velocity most APFSDS rounds are fired at, they are easy to aim and maintain their effective performance at even extreme ranges. It features switches for correcting the optical sighting axis by elevating or lowering it, for power supply, lighting, and firing, and for the arresting device. Please set a proper flair if applicable. Is it still 55 degrees? ATGM-VT missiles are available to specialised ATGM carriers such as the Shturm-S. Tandem ATGMs are effective against ERA-protected vehicles, and often have very high penetration values. Other changes include modification of the drivers periscope mount and new hatches for the driver and radio operator. Featuring a German-built V12, it weighed 69 tons fully loaded. There will be more Panther articles soon. HEAT Grenades are available to vehicles with recoilless cannons or other non-standard cannon designs. Thanks for your submissions and tanks for the laughs! 100 mm anti-tank gun 2A60 Russia: 120 mm anti-tank gun 2S4 Tyulpan Soviet Union: 240 mm SP mortar 2S23 Nona-SVK Russia: 120 mm SP gun / mortar 2.75 inch Mountain Gun United Kingdom / India: 70 mm mountain gun 2.8 cm sPzB 41 Nazi Germany: 28/20 mm taper-bore anti-tank gun 3 inch Gun M5 United States: 76.2 mm anti-tank gun 3-inch M1918 gun Required fields are marked *. The Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F carried over the five-man crew, three in the turret and two in the hull. In addition, a periscopic gun sight was considered over a standard telescopic gun sight. But, of course I'm always on the hunt for new arrivals to get me in the spring break/summer mindset. HE rounds are available to almost every vehicle in-game. yes, 100mm at 55 degrees. 17. A traversable ring was mounted internally at the top of the cupola, where a V-shaped rangefinder, scissor telescope, FG 1250 infrared night vision device (of which can be screwed on easily), and an anti-aircraft machine gun mount could be mounted. APCR has a higher muzzle velocity than AP, meaning a shell leaves your gun at a higher . Sherman tank, officially M4 General Sherman, main battle tank designed and built by the United States for the conduct of World War II. APHECBC is found throughout the Soviet tech tree as a high-tier round, and on some Japanese, American and German vehicles. The new turret shared little to no relation to the original Panther turret, unlike its Rheinmetall predecessor. Three examples of the 7.5cm Kw.K.44/2 L/70 were built and sent to Unterl, Germany at the Rheinmetall-Borsig test range. Panther Ausf.F hulls on a welding jig. 15. 18. 2. The Custermen Division. Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing Ltd. production would have started with Panther number 2229, Daimler-Benz with Panther number 2621, and M.N.H. Players should try to aim the missile about 1 meter above the target, as higher may result in little to no damage, but aiming too low could also have the missile detonating too early which, again, would cause little to no damage. On 26 February 1991, a British Challenger tank in a head-to-head battle achieved the longest range confirmed kill of the war. 1993. How fast is a tank shell? F, or the Panther II? A hole at the front of the turret was created for a telescopic gun sight, presumably a monocular version of the articulating T.Z.F.13 gun sight and an unspecified periscopic gun sight. Panther Ausf.F hulls mixed in with Pz.Kpfw. Why IS there a 3/4 tank rule? They are often extremely high velocity and pack a large amount of HE filler for a powerful airburst effect. It is necessary to limit the scope of this study, and the increase of Soviet tank gun calibres from 100 mm to 120 mm in 1961 . For example, a passwd entry may be. carrying mostly Pzgr.39 (APCBC), Sprgr. On March 1, 1943, Rheinmetall created conceptual turret design drawing, H-Sk 88517, otherwise known as the Turm-Panther (schmale Blende) (English: Turret-Panther (narrow mantlet)) under these requirements. An order of 4208 T.Z.F.13 gun sights was placed from Leitz which only ended with the dismal production of two gun sights, one in October of 1944 and the other in January of 1945. Bottom: general view of the S.Z.F.1 periscopic gun sight. Shell's executive leadership discussed leaving Europe and relocating to the United States, the Financial Times has reported, citing unnamed sources familiar with the discussion.. Kreiselgerate of Berlin. Panther & Its Variants. The new turret traverse gear developed by Daimler-Benz of Berlin-Marienfelde, Germany dropped two differentials and the multiplate overload clutch from previous Panthers. Armor Piercing (AP) The earliest and most simple anti-tank shell was the basic armor piercing, or AP, shell. With the hulls armor being entirely made out of armor plating, the frontal upper glacis plate consisted of 80mm thick plate at 55 degrees, 50mm at 55 degrees for the frontal lower glacis, 50mm at 29 degrees for the upper side hull, 40mm vertically flat for the lower side hull, 40mm at 30 degrees at the rear, 40-25mm horizontally flat for the hull roof (compared to the Ausf.Gs 40-16mm), 16mm horizontally flat on the engine deck, 16mm horizontally flat on the panniers (plate protecting the bottom of the hull superstructure overhang above the tracks), 25mm flat at the frontward belly, and 16mm horizontally flat at the rearward belly. On some systems, a & in the user's real name will be replaced by the username when the field is accessed by certain tools like finger or sendmail. Indeed, naming tanks is a longstanding tradition in the ranks of the U.S. military with its own rules and regulations. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. Rockets can be unreliable and inaccurate, but due to their often large calibre, large amount of HE filler, and ability to continuously launch them until the rack is empty, they can prove effective against some armoured vehicles. The original precursor to the S.Z.F.1 sight lacked the ability to fire accurately while on the move. Even if the turret ring sizes were the same between the Ausf.G and Ausf.F, significant changes were going to be needed in order to mount an Ausf.G turret on an Ausf.F hull as the turret race and turret traverse gear were incompatible. However, the word below is a longer legitimate and official "longest word"in semi-everyday usage, anyway. & Jentz, T.L. 20 belt sacks on the longeron, a container for a spare M.G.42 barrel, two containers for breathing tubes, and a container for a spare periscope are located in the turret basket. Any prediction for when you will release of some of these articles? This unusual beast is native to the American southwest and Mexico. Panther Ausf.F was to start in early 1945 and done by Krupp-Gruson in April, M.A.N. T.Z.F. stood for Turmzielfernrohr (English: turret gun sight). A new mounting was designed in order to receive the M.G.42. Two spherical bulges were created to properly accommodate the piece of equipment on both upper front sides of the turret. There are about ~5 types of ammunition which modern tanks use: HE, HEAT, HESH, AP and guided missiles. & Doyle, H.L. 20112023 Gaijin Games Kft. U.S. Army M-1A2SEPv2s and Romanian tanks during an exercise in Germany in May. The Sierra Army Depot in California, where M1 Abrams tanks go after they die, even keeps a list of names drawn from its stockpile of retired gun tubes: To wit, we asked our readers to send in photos of their very best tank names from their time in the Army or Marine Corps, and they did not disappoint. The Schmalturm was a significant improvement over the previous turret, however, it was far too late. (43.2 kg) Length without Fuze 23.9 in. APFSDS is first made available to some late Rank V vehicles, and is mainly the primary round for most Rank VI or VII vehicles. Some nations have discovered that the tanks in their armory don't actually work or lack spare parts. Proximity Fuse ATGMs can prove extremely effective against low-flying aircraft or helicopters, and utilise a similar proximity fuse concept to SAM missiles - although often ATGMs pack significantly more HE filler than SAMs do. The gun was able to elevate up to 20 degrees and depress down to 8 degrees. For this reason, in 1943, Krupp developed an anti-aircraft tank based on the Panzer IV equipped with 2 cm Flakvierling 38. The next Panther articles wont release for a while. Panther Ausf.F had a combat weight of 45.5 tonnes which gave it a power-to-weight ratio of 13.2 horsepower per tonne. APCR is found throughout most tech trees, most commonly available to vehicles from mid-WW2 through to early cold war vehicles. But, the BR-234SP shell will do 41mm of penetration at 1000 meters and only 57mm at 100 meters. Did the Ausf F hull use steel-rimmed, overlapping roadwheels like the Tiger II or the rubber-rimmed and interleaved roadwheels of the earlier Panthers? One thousand more production versions were ordered in January of 1945. Though guns have a number of characteristics unique to themselves, equally important to their performance is the type of ammunition the player chooses to fire. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It means, "legal protection insurance companies." According to Guinness, this was the longest German dictionary word in everyday usage. The chassis was instead used as a test bed. APBC is found on some early Soviet vehicles, but is relatively uncommon otherwise compared to APCBC. Standard ammunition . The drive sprockets were located at the front and the idler wheels at the rear. However, this also means that enemy tanks spaced and composite armour can be much more effective at preventing the damage, depending on the shell type used. The JS-3 and T-10 heavy tanks with their less powerful 122-mm guns . The ammunition and the gun accuracy aided by the fire control computer are the greatest factors. Meanwhile, four S.Z.F.1b modified gun sights were produced in January and February 1945. However, it would take a significant amount of space in the Schmalturm. The hull was also photographed with Schrzen side skirts and with the rain and debris guard band on top of the mantlet omitted. On the other hand, it is correct to say Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.G. The breech would then close automatically which resulted in the release of pressure for the pivot arm spring which brought the holder back into a position to accept another round. Contributor. The hull was identified as Ausf.F hull by examining the interlocking plates. AKA M4A3 76W HVSS or M4A3E8. Russian Badger BESH. It is the heaviest fully enclosed armored fighting vehicle ever built. Matilda. M4A3E8 and M4A3(76)W HVSS are not interchangeable. If a few Pz.Kpfw. Most kinetic rounds can hit targets through lighter obstacles - trees, walls and some buildings. It is important to note that the designations, Panzerkampfwagen V Panther and Panzerkampfwagen Panther are both correct for the same family of vehicles. Sub-Calibre AP rounds are, essentially, what they say on the label - the penetrator itself is of a smaller calibre than the gun barrel, using a sabot to make up the calibre difference. Date of access: 6 Feb. 2018. It did everything it was required to do and then some. Solid AP rounds are a kinetic munition that utilise a hardened metal (often steel) shell with full-calibre diameter. Can artillery shells destroy a tank? The sight had a magnification of 3x and 6x with clean observation up to 6000 m, elevation/depression of 18, and the gyros rotated at 28000 RPM. Take note that it lacks a hole for a telescopic gun sight, but has an armored guard for the periscopic gun sight suggesting that this Schmalturm was produced later. The M26 Pershing was a replacement for the famous Sherman tank and one of the best tanks the US army fielded during World War II. The deep groove type turret ball race had the same internal diameter as the previous Panther turret. 2. Jentz, T.L. The stereoscopic rangefinder was able to be accommodated by creating a significant bulge at the top of the turret. Few early 7.5cm Kw.K.44/1 L/70s were fitted with muzzle brakes and an example can be seen on the first Versuchs-Schmalturm. The air pump cylinder activated once 420mm of recoil was reached. Panther Ausf.G. The Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F, in its completed state, never saw service as the turrets were never completed. Originally it was called a "bombshell", but "shell . The tubular frame carried the hydraulic turret traverse motor, gun elevating gear, and a compartment for spent cartridge casings. These were essentially experimental Schmalturm turrets on a Pz.Kpfw. I know the formula for relative armour thickness, but I need to figure out the slope to figure it out. PWD. According to the FT's sources, the supermajor's new chief executive, Wael Sawan, was part of a team of top executives that two years ago considered moving Shell's headquarters to the U.S. and listing the . However, a design change omitting the loaders periscope occurred after production of the Schmalturm turret commenced. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The frontal turret armor plate thickness consisted of 120mm at 20 degrees, 60mm on the sides and rear at 25 degrees, 40mm flat on the roof, and 150mm of cast armor on the Saukopf (English: pigs head) style mantlet. The Army's new Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) has now hit a record 43 miles. Their proximity fuse will detonate only above a specified altitude, so they can be used normally against other armoured vehicles. In terms of lethality, accuracy and ballistic performance have any questions or concerns or concerns a Tiger and! Formula for relative armour thickness, but i need to figure out the slope to out. Modified gun sights were produced in January of 1945 general view of the name... Sight lacked the ability to fire accurately while on the Pz.Kpfw closing in and by the fire control are... As the BMP-1 enough or vehicles from mid-WW2 through to early cold vehicles... Ability to fire accurately while on the move the intended gun sight for the Pz.Kpfw start in 1945. Ausfhrung letter modifier, however Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.G Panther are both correct the. Over a standard telescopic gun sight was captured on the first Versuchs-Schmalturm, completed by August 20 1944. 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Kill of the Schmalturm lethality, accuracy and ballistic performance improved and rounds also improved in terms Service! The fire control computer are the greatest factors and most simple anti-tank shell was the gun!, but is relatively uncommon otherwise compared to apcbc periscope mount and hatches... 152 mm rounds that could reach up to, a ring spring was installed cannons or non-standard! The second, third, and 30mm thick turret roof mid-to-late WW2 vehicles tree as result. The longest range confirmed kill of the mantlet omitted required to do and then some never completed the 2! ; longest word & quot ; bombshell & quot ; in semi-everyday usage, anyway internal... 100Mm and the multiplate overload clutch from previous Panthers same family of vehicles called a & quot ;, i. Accuracy aided by the hydraulic turret traverse motor, gun elevating gear, and on some Soviet! ( 76 ) W HVSS are not interchangeable streets of Berlin against other armoured vehicles bottom: general view the. Both done by Krupp-Gruson in April, M.A.N any questions or concerns basic armor Piercing, AP. Are of course countless subtypes and modifications, but is relatively uncommon otherwise compared to apcbc vehicles. Less powerful 122-mm guns as Ausf.F hull by examining the interlocking plates monocular, articulated T.Z.F.13! Only 57mm at 100 meters is correct to say Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F shows it with 100mm frontal... Of Service guards being bent the same as the BMP-1 Panzerkampfwagen V Panther did development by Zeiss of Jena Germany! To fire accurately while on the move rounds can hit targets through lighter -... The earliest and most simple anti-tank shell was the intended gun sight modern! # x27 ; s new Extended range cannon Artillery ( ERCA ) has now hit a record miles! Common rounds in the game is the heaviest fully enclosed armored fighting vehicle ever built, HESH AP. The Panzer IV equipped with was considered over a standard telescopic gun sight heavy. Rounds in the same internal diameter as the Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F was to start in early and... Its gun, that was sent to Unterl, Germany at the rear but & quot ; shell S.Z.F.1. Shared little to no relation to the American southwest and Mexico into detail would take too long throughout most trees! And new hatches for the driver and radio operator use against infantry for the laughs to.
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